
Little Deaths: Artbook

Created by Monty Nero

Montynero's artbook, comics, prints and collectables

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Only 20% of surveys left to fill out
almost 4 years ago – Mon, May 04, 2020 at 07:54:57 AM

If you've filled yours out, thanks for doing your bit. We've got over three quarters of the surveys completed. If you haven't done your survey, please do it now. The sooner they're all done the sooner I can start mailing. You're looking for an email from backerkit sent to whatever email address you use for kickstarter. Do a search for "backerkit" if you can't find it.

Meanwhile, I'm getting files ready to print. I won't print the address labels until the remaining surveys are completed. I've received a consignment of box envelopes to put the rewards in too, so things are ready to roll

I'm in shipping mode so I'll also be sending out a bunch of other orders for comics, prints and completed art commissions right after your orders have been sent. I've only got about three commissions left to do right now, so am taking a few more commissions on for a limited period. . It's £60 for a head and shoulders character bust, or £125 for a full colour original featuring up to 2 characters. I'm always touched that anyone wants original art from me,  so warm thanks for that, but I won't have time for many this year so get in while you can.

More  soon



Surveys are ready!!
about 4 years ago – Fri, May 01, 2020 at 01:59:58 AM

Look out for an email from backerkit today or tomorrow with a link to your survey. Please fill them out as soon as they arrive. If everyone fills their survey out quickly, we can ship faster. Let's see if we can get everyone their stuff two months early, rather than one month early!

Print-wise the company that does the book itself is open, albeit operating a bit slower than normal. The printer I'd contacted about the art prints is still shut though. I'd ideally like to keep supporting them but if they don't open soon I'll have to make other arrangements, which shouldn't be too difficult.

More news soon



Good news
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 02:35:39 PM

I hope everyone's coping okay with the virus and associated lockdown? If you want to chat about your situation or what you've been up to you can email me at "itsmontynero at gmail dot com".

Covid-19 has changed the world, and everything's happening a little slower for the businesses I rely on. I'm also spending more of my time doing Covid-19 related stuff, whether it's volunteering or homeschooling or shopping for vunerable folk. But the good news is I'll still be bringing out all the comics I'd planned this year. In fact, the Little Deaths artbook will be shipping  at least a month early. Delays on another project mean I can bring Little Deaths forward. I'm designing the surveys now, and they'll go out next week.

In the meantime if you want comics delivered to your door there's a few of my previous comics here, along with some cool stickers, postcards and prints. .

Stay cool and keep safe.



1 of the rarities just came free!!
about 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 03:41:01 AM

3 hours to go- and one of the rarities just came free. They were sold out for two weeks, then they weren’t, then they were again yesterday , now they’re not! So if Death Sentence rarities are your thing, there’s 3 hours to strike.

We’re super close to the next stretch goal!!! Do share the project link in these final hours if you can, or share/retweet on social media.

I sent off a load of books this morning, now finishing some scripts in St Andrews, and more drawing/painting tonight. No rest for the moderately wicked. Can’t wait to show you the new stuff.

All the best


Woot!! Awesome finish!
about 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 03:40:14 AM

What a great last few days. Huge thanks to every one of you. Special mention to Ethan for getting us over the stretch goal at the end there. What a hero!

I can’t wait to read this book! I’ll keep you updated as it all comes together. I’ve already had a few chats with the printer re some wonderful possibilities. Amazing stuff.

Props to you all. I’m truly humbled by the response.


PS look out for more of my art on the new Frenemies: The Lost Planet campaign launching in a few weeks, with the incredible Yishan Li. Click my name and follow me on Kickstarter for updates. It’s going to be something very, very special.